LUKA : Our Story

A few years ago, Dana & Michal, best friends who just turned 45 years old , were sitting at a coffee shop. They started laughing when they both stretched their arms trying to read the menu. It was then when they realized they had reached the age of reading glasses…but wanted the experience to be accessible & convenient while having a functional chic jewelry piece for so many “small glasses moments”.
This is when LUKA was conceived and launched.
Wear it, never lose it. Take your LUKA anywhere; to the supermarket to read the labels & ingredients, the nail salon to read the nail polish color, price tags,  phone messages, and so much more.
LUKA is a fashion-first accessory that helps you see those little moments. It’s beautiful and practical but most importantly, it fits our age and lifestyle.
We believe that beauty and power come with age and choose to embrace change as an opportunity to make the most out of every moment.
LUKA. Look deep, See more.
“Reading glasses are for reading books, newspapers, and scrolling online”
LUKA is for every other little moment 💧